Friday, June 28, 2013

Behind the (8) ball


Just let me climb a little bit further behind the eight ball
So I can shake myself from the beaming rays that hypnotize.
Avoiding the burning feeling in my eyes when the sunlight shifts.
I feel safer, soul in hand, as the shadows stretch across the street.
Their long dark legs reaching across the chasms
To bridge the canyons of lost light forgiven by the darkness.

(c) & (p) 2013 subconscious mind publication company

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Faith beyond a reasonable doubt


I place my hand down upon the good book left all but dormant in the dark recess of a Chelsea hotel room drawer. I cannot be alone now thanks to Gideon. But, I would not truly want it any other way. I cannot be fearful now knowing that the strength of the words from within will comfort me. I can and I will be the upholder with a righteous right hand. 

(c) & (p) 2012 subconscious mind publication company

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Raft in the rapids

Navigating through the garden city just a citizen of industry and liberty.
Alone by alone or in two pair the muses slowly hang their heads is despair. 
The amplifier of acrimony has short circuited again leaving rattled wires strung copper bare and now only silence fills the muted air. 
Oh its no problem for the quite ones now, but do we really need to fix this somehow?
Can we let the four corners collapse and allow the implosion to elapse in the wake of empty Wednesdays?
Perhaps we can find a warm winter coat if we just look under the harbor town boat.
We may find a clue or just another line that leads us once again to what is yours and what is mine. 

(c) & (p) 2012 subconscious mind publication company

Monday, June 3, 2013

Beware of shark infested waters


How do you know when you are trouble? Well the flimsy rubber raft that is your oasis of salvation seems to be taking on more water than you can bail out, and the efforts to purge the encroaching liquid death are now unreciprocated.
Just like your collection of manuscripts full of unpublished prose that spill into dark despair only one day to be tossed aside as carelessly as your comic books or baseball cards. 
Oh, you found comfort there, repeating the same old tired lines the same way you memorized Rod Carew's stats both with the Twins and the Angels.
Three twenty-eight, 3,053, ten fifteen, and looks like your trying to hold on to 29 forever, but they've retired that number - in two towns so you best just move on. 
Time moves alright, but the speed accelerates like cheap coffee splashing in ceramic white cups in the late night diner rush.
A church for the nocturnally-natured captured for their own grandeur minded movie clip highlight reels. 
Famous for a fleeting fifteen seconds and grasping for more like an addict reaching for a fix. 
Once the darts are cast though they stay in formation until they strike, spot on, and the target's heart will be bilked like the bull's last stand.
Crimson and cutlery on the news report with a smile and a song. 
We have to listen to the reports from David and Paul when their honesty shines for the wayward souls so lost that even Saint Anthony would have trouble finding them. 

(c) & (p) 2012 subconscious mind publication company